WE are Super Excited to Announce the Grand Opening of our new Cheer Gym and NOW offering cheerleading classes, tumble & dance classes in Baton Rouge Louisiana. Our classes run in 4 weeks session at 45 min to 1 hour per session.
4 sessions @ 1 day/wk Ages: 3-5 CHEER MANIA MONDAY This class is a fun introductory to cheer for little beginners of the cheer sport. Cheerleaders will begin to learn the basic fundamental of cheer by starting with basic cheer motions, holding pom poms, cheers, jumps, tumble, cheer dance & rally. Mondays - 430-530P REGISTRATION: FULL |
4 sessions @ 1 day/wk Ages: 4-12 CHEER MANIA MONDAY This class is a super exciting class for beginner to intermediate cheerleaders interested in the cheer sport. We begin the class refreshing on a basic motion routine, learn sideline standing formation, new cheers, chants, jumps, tumble, cheer pom dance, learn to rally, team coordination and we work on cheerleaders confidence. Each week your cheerleader will learn something new. Mondays - 430-530P REGISTRATION: OPEN |
cheerleadingChrome 3 ( Level 3)
4 sessions @ 1 day/wk Ages: 9-15 CHEER MANIA MONDAY This class is a very fun high energy class that will teach cheerleaders the fundamentals of cheer while improving flexibility & strength need to achieve higher performance in the cheer sport. Cheerleaders will work on sharpness of cheers & chants using signs, facials, cheer loudness, enhance their jumps, strength, & flexibility. Mondays - 530P- 630P REGISTRATION: FULL |
tumbleTumble Nuggets Class
4 sessions @ 1 day/wk Ages: 3-5 This class is for our little beginner tumblers. This program gives kids the opportunity to explore at age appropriate activities in a fun kid oriented environment. Children will be challenged at thier own ability levels and praised for thier interaction and thier efforts. There will be a warmup routine and work on jumping, balancing and forward rolls. We incorporate music to make the class easy to transition in. Tuesdays 430-515P REGISTRATION: FULL |
tumbleBeginner Tumble Class
4 sessions @ 1day/wk Open Ages This class is for beginners in Tumble. Tumblers will learn basic forward roll, backwards roll, hand stand, cart wheel, and back bend . Tuesdays- 530P-630P REGISTRATION: FULL |
tumbleIntermediate Tumble Class
4 sessions @ 1day/wk Open Ages This class is for tumblers that have already learned handstand, cartwheel and back bend. Tumblers will focus on round offs, back walkovers and begin to learn standing back hand spring. Tuesdays 630P-730P REGISTRATION: FULL |
cheer danceDiva Dance Class: 4 sessions @ 1day/wk Ages: 3-5. This is a intro to cheer dance class . Cheerleaders will learn basic techniques to dance, 8 counts and cheer dance routine. Wednesdays - 4P-445P COMING SOON!! |
cheer danceCheer Dance 1 Class 4 sessions @1 day/wk Ages: 6-15 This class is a fun class for cheerleaders interested in learning cheer dance moves. Cheerleaders will learn techniques of cheer dance working in cheer groups, understanding 8 counts, coordinating in sectionals while working on a cheer dance routine. Wednesdays -5P-6P COMING SOON!! |
cheer danceKick Pom Class- Limited Class 4 sessions @ 1day/wk Ages: 7-15. This is a exciting fun Limited Only class for cheerleaders interested in the Kick Pom Cheer sport! Cheerleaders will learn to coordinate kicks and pom poms with a team in groups. This class teaches cheerleaders to have great listening skills, pay attention, timing and teamwork. Wednesdays- 630P-730P COMING SOON!! |
stuntStunting Stars Class 4 classes @ 1day/wk Ages: 3-5 This class is a super fun & exciting class for beginners in Stunting. Cheerleaders will learn basics of basing, flying and back/ front spotting. Cheerleaders will also start learning the safety of stunting and will learn up to 4 learning stunts. Thursdays- 4P-445P COMING SOON!! |
stuntStunt 1 Class 4 classes @ 1day/wk Ages: 6-15 This class is for beginners/ intermediate in Stunting. Cheerleaders will start our refreshing on stunting basics of basing, flying back/ front spotting and work on understanding the safety of stunting. Cheerleaders will learn up to 4 beginner to intermediate stunts. Thursdays- 5P-6P COMING SOON!! |
stuntStunt 2 Class 4 classes @ 1day/wk Ages : 6-15 This class is intermediate/advanced athletes that have already attended and mastered one of our Stunt 1 sessions and mastered the skills. Athletes will be learning more difficult extended stunts and dismounts. Athletes will also be learning how to think faster for a more safer way to catch flyer if stunt is falling. Thursdays -630P -730P COMING SOON!! |
flightFlight Class 8 classes @ 1day/wk Ages: 6-15 Our Flight class is designed to help cheerleaders who are looking to improve on all aspects of stunt flying. Cheerleaders will receive instruction on proper progressions and techniques, flexibility, body control and strength for flying and dismount skills. Thursdays- 3P- 4P Ages: 6-9 Thursdays -4P-5P Ages: 10-15 REGISTRATION: CLOSED private
hip hopHip Hop Dance Class 8 classes @ 1day/wk Ages: 6-11 This super fun class is for beginners in hip hop dance. You will learn to dance with rhythm using hip hop social dance moves. Each class will work on learning hip hop trending dances such as Dougie, shuffle, Fridays- 530P-630P REGISTRATION : CLOSED private
mommy & meMommy & Me Cheer Class 8 classes @ 1day/wk Ages: 3-5 Our Mommy & Me Class is designed to develop early cheer skills, & coordination for little beginners. Moms & Dads and our cheerleaders will work on basic cheer motions, jumps and learn up to 4 cheers. Mondays- 3P-345PM REGISTRATION: CLOSED private group cheer/ danceCheer Tryouts Private Group Prep Class-
Getting ready for school cheer or dance tryouts? Our class is 2 hours focusing on all aspects of tryouts. In this class, a group of cheerleaders will learn all cheer tips, tricks & get help with cheerleading application for cheer tryouts before scheduled clinic days with an experience of an instructor. Athlete will have time to brush up on cheer skills needed for tryouts & will learn all material that is given by school or camp. We will also touch up on improving /perfecting basic motions, jumps, showing spirit and will develop crowd-presence. This private session is for former. Cheerleader will get feedback & tips to build confidence going into your real tryout. There is no guarantee that your cheerleader will make his/her upcoming cheer team after instruction. |
Prices 4 week 1hr session classes are offered @ $40 per class 1 single 1hr session 1hour class is offered @ $25 per session. MAY SPECIAL: |